Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Open-Ended Apology..

To the man at Dunkin Donuts who forgot to put the pumpkin in my pumpkin spice coffee. I realize my reaction may have been a little extreme & I may have looked at you like I might kill you- but that coffee is like a little cup of sunshine & sometimes, it's the only lifeline I've got to get me through a 12 hour day....

To Mowgli, my aunt & uncle's cat. Grace may or may not have accidently eaten a few pieces of your cat food. She cried hysterically immediately following and I'd like to think they were tears of remorse as opposed to tears of whattheheckisinmymouthrightnowewwwGROSS....

To the people of the seacoast, who are concerned for my sanity when they see my amazing (read: ridiculously foolish) dance moves that I bust out in my Toyota Camry. I assure you I have an adorable toddler who is jammin' out in the backseat also- you just can't see her & sometimes I forget... 

To all the birds at Mimi & Grandpa's bird feeders. You now say "woof woof" instead of "tweet tweet". Grace Margaret Cayer has deemed it so & she's not budging. Hope you're ok with your new identity. 

To my classmates, who wonder what the heck I am doing when I switch pens two or three times during a lecture. I have this obsessive need to find the "right" pen...and yes I'm aware it makes me look like I may be in your class on a day pass from the loony bin...

To Advanced Audiology, Voice Disorders and Dysphagia....I know I haven't been giving you the attention you probably deserve, but I'm just not that into you..

To anyone who I watch football with, as I'm often found shouting obscenities at various players on my fantasy team. Yep, I'm that person now...

To Jennifer Leary...who has been putting up with my foolishness which includes but is definitely NOT limited to: frequently yelling at her husband about my fantasy team, forgetting to tell her my child has a full body rash when she picks her up a daycare, calling her cell phone 5 times in a row because I need her RIGHT NOW...

To any parents I may have given a look when their child was throwing a fit at: a restaurant, a grocery store, Target..I now know how first hand how devastating it is when your wicked witch of a mother takes away the lemon you have been "sniffing" (aka slobbering all over) so she can pay for the darn thing that she doesn't even need. Traumatic and totally rational... 

To MY parents...have I given you enough props lately for...I don't know...not killing me? There are just some things you can't appreciate about your parents until you are one. 

To Andrew, for Becky & I laughing so hard and so loud during Modern Family this week, and then repeating all the funny lines at double the volume in case one of us missed it.  I'm pretty sure that you got ZERO sleep. Seriously though..can you blame us?

To Gracie, I know you may be feeling a bit like a trained circus performer. But you do SO many cool things, like holding your nose when something stinks or making a ridiculous wrinkly nose face when someone asks you to smile or knowing where you feet are- I just want to show it off to everyone we meet. Mama is just so proud of you- and this will probably continue to embarrass you for the rest of your life. My bad. 

Happy Sunday :)


  1. Oh how quickly you have become one of my favorite people on the planet. I <3 you. Chin up...head held high. I am always here. ALWAYS. XOXO

  2. I do the pen thing too, or used to. Does that mean we both have to go back to the loony bin?
    Also, don't feel bad about the Dunkin' Donuts fiasco. Forget the pumpkin, and you simply have a spice latte...and that doesn't sound appetizing to anyone. Miss and love you so much!
    OH and the ridiculously wrinkly nose face is adorable, so keep forcing her to do that!
